
About Jo-Ellen

The story of Jo-Ellen is a lot like the story of the character Neo from the Matrix movie. Like Neo, I had a one-pointed obsession with finding answers, with finding Truth. In Neo’s first meeting with his mentor Morpheus, Morpheus says something to Neo which sums up exactly how I felt:

“What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”

This mad obsession to find answers, to discover Truth, led to a voracious search. Gratefully, those who seek shall find. Like Neo, I apparently took the “red pill,”  and awoke from the matrix of delusion and falsity into the consciousness of Truth.

Now the mind, formally trapped in the matrix of falsehood, is a transparency for Truth. The character image is a witness to the ever-present Spiritual Reality. The Gratitude, the Joy, the Inspiration, the Peace of Mind, and the Playfulness are overflowing! They are overflowing to such a degree that they must be radiated and shared! Grace is my sufficiency in all things! Waking up from falsehood into the Truth of Being is the only game in town, the only worthwhile pursuit. To that end, I offer you the “red pill” through the teachings of Practical Mysticism…

About Practical Mysticism

The Practical Mysticism blog discusses mysticism and the mystical path of spiritual awakening as they are understood in A Course in Miracles, The Infinite Way, in mystical Christianity, and in mysticism in general as it is defined in this blog. The content is representative of the approach to Freedom given by the Ancient Mystery School or Wisdom School teachings, also known as schools of Initiation.

The highest purpose of Life is to know the Truth of One’s Being. To that end, the Practical Mysticism blog serves this high purpose:

To sort the True from the false.

To know the Truth and be set free by the Truth

To seek and find the Kingdom of God and have all things added unto you.

To be of good cheer by overcoming the world.

Some further aims of the Practical Mysticism blog are:

  • To demonstrate the inherent practicality of a Mystical approach to Life

  • To share principles of Mysticism and their application

  • To emphasize a causal level approach to Life rather than a “fixing effects” approach 

  • To teach a reversal of the belief systems and paradigms of the world, and to imbue the mind with Truth

  • To demonstrate that a mind imbued with Truth (cause) outpictures as harmonious relationships and conditions (effect)

  • To facilitate a practice which results in non-reactivity and cessation of emotional upset; ie inner peace
  • To assist in the identification and releasing of erroneous concepts and beliefs in service to revelation of the Infinite True Self
  • To offer a way of Life that is free of fear, and full of Grace

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Practical Mysticism 5: Understanding, Acceptance, Application with Focus on Understanding

Hi there! Today I’d like to talk about three components of spiritual awakening in the mystical practice of A Course a Miracles, The Infinite...